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Ted Sandquist

Ted Sandquist

I am married to Dawn for almost 49 years and the father of four married children and grandfather of seventeen. I went to college and grad school in the 60’s and helped start a church in the Jesus Movement in 1970, where I pastored until 1995. I had been active in the nations for fifteen years plus at that time and left my local church responsibilities for full time focus on the nations I was called to serve. After eight years of travel about 80% of the time, much spiritual warfare and a measure of burnout, I took responsibility for another congregation for twelve years until my oldest son took the reins five years ago and released me to focus on the nations and prayer in this phase. Woven throughout these decades I have written and recorded worship music and authored several books.

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Ileana Flores Garrido

Ileana Flores Garrido

Servant of Christ for the Nations

Social Architect, Pharmacist, Entrepreneur, International Agent 

Born in Costa Rica

To our beloved brothers and sisters in the nations, it is the time in which the Lord is calling us to the front lines so that we, in a strategic way, as His ambassadors, as His people, fight the good fight from the place in which He has positioned each one of us.

The Lord is raising the call to His mighty warriors (male and female) to participate in His army and fight the enemy with heavenly weapons and strategies as never before.

I have been trained for several years by Father’s instruction in the areas of business, managing, health, education, government and public policy, being serving in the ministry. This has led me to the knowledge and understanding of what God wants for us as His people. This means that we need to move beyond the valley in which the church has been, God wants us to climb up to the different mountains of influence of society so that we can establish His Kingdom. For us to be able to fulfill this we need a breakthrough, an attack in all fronts, both in the natural and the spiritual realms.

It is the time for us to become ambidextrous, the time has come to use our two hands, as the 300 of Gideon did. In their left hand the torch and in the right hand the trumpet. This is the time to break our jars and to provoke the fire of the anointing and to play the trumpet with the powering word that will change the condition of the nations. Let the sword that the Lord has placed in our hands be put against the enemy so that he flee from our territories.

I have served in the last 36 years to all my brothers and sisters in the people of God. Since I received the Lord at the age of 21 years old being a student in the University, I confirmed my call in which I have given myself completely.

In my walk in this world:

  • I have worked with abused children, with senior citizens, with professional and university youth groups, with women, with Christian business people, civil organizations, and with Christian leaders in the political arena.
  • Early into my call in 1988 the Lord took me to the personal evangelism field door to door, in public plazas and reaching out groups, this also allowed me to be a teacher in the ministry.
  • Later on in 1999 I was called to be a part of a ministry of private education with a biblical worldview for children and teenagers under the norms of ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International), a model that allowed me to be prepare for a time like this.
  • In 2014 I was trained in Leadership Strategies and Conflict Resolutions. Both of these areas I am involved now in business and ministry.
  • Since 2018 I have been connected to civil organizations on a national and international level to disciple the nations in the seven mountains of influence.
  • I am currently a member of Iglesia Centro Mundial de Adoracion in Costa Rica, led by Apostol Ronny Chaves.
  • I am also under the spiritual covering of the prophetic ministry of Prophet Pablo Chaves, a ministry of much influence in Latin America.
  • I’ve been also happily married for 30 years, very grateful with the Father for giving me a beautiful family and I can say “as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”
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ronald diaz

Ronald A. Díaz


Theologian, strategist, family counselor, church consultant

As the church of our Lord Jesus Christ we are living in an era de big challenges and opportunities. The church as an institution has been detoured from the mission given by the Lord and for this reason the culture and society have been degrading. We have to recuperate the strategy clearly defined by Jesus of us being salt of the earth and light of the world.

The Holy Spirit is speaking to the body of Christ and He is calling us to evaluate our job and our actions in the last three decades and to make the necessary changes in order to align ourselves to the purposes of God so that we can affect the culture for the now and for the future.

Since my youth I was called to the ministry with a very clear vision of the mission of the church and of the importance of the Local Church as a training center to make disciples that become agents of change in society living in obedience to the principles of the Word of God and applying them to all the areas of the human behavior having the power to produce human development.

This is the precise moment to stop being passive observers so that we can become participants and militants of the purposes of God for humanity and in the era in which we are living. One of the most effective ways in which we can participate as militants of the Kingdom of God is through prayer and intercession, since we very well know that his world is influenced by invisible forces and that we, as the church, are the channel by which the purposes of God are fulfilled on the earth.

My service in the work of the Lord has been through 45 years. Thirty five of those serving as a local pastor and in the last ten years as a church consultant, pastoral counselor for leaders in Costa Rica and other parts of the world and an international speaker on the Kingdom of God and its application to all the areas of society.

I have been married to my wife Zeidy for 42 years. I have two married sons, two grandsons and four granddaughters.

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